Thru PabloPabla's Lenses

Digital photography by an amateur photographer using a Nikon Coolpix L4

Tong Kee Egg Tarts

These are the famous Tong Kee Egg Tarts in Kuala Lumpur. Tong Kee Confectionaries has been operating in Kuala Lumpur for many years and their egg tarts, kaya puffs and various other confectionaries are a favourite of many. There is one outlet at Pudu near Pudu Plaza.

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6 Responses to “Tong Kee Egg Tarts”

  1. # Blogger Wingz

    egg tarts!!! i suddenly craving for eggtarts!!!! where can get around kajang?  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    the egg tarts really nice? from outlook, not so yummy ler. i bought once some egg tarts from Bee's, quite nice too.  

  3. # Blogger PabloPabla

    wingz : I think u better stick with satay in Kajang lah.

    irenelim : Absolutely delicious! Maybe the photo did not do justice to its taste :P  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Have had it many times and it is YUMMY! Its not so much that the photo doesn't do it justice but simply that it tastes much better than it looks! When eaten fresh, the buttery pastry is warm, rich, flaky and the custard is absolutely eggolicious!  

  5. # Blogger christine

    tongkee's egg tarts are indeed the best!~ any recipe for that? they don't have anything remotely close to ones back home over here.

    i came across your blog by chance a couple of weeks ago, and have been coming since :) i like the reviews and the recipes.. helps me "relief" some of my malaysian food craving most times.

    thks!!! :)  

  6. # Anonymous sonia

    hi,how are u?this is sonia i happened to be looking for the recipe of making cake lapis when i saw ur blog...honestly i fell in love with ur pineapple tarts.thank u so much greetings from karachi.  

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