Thru PabloPabla's Lenses

Digital photography by an amateur photographer using a Nikon Coolpix L4

Orchid @ Home

I bought this orchid about 3 years ago. I did not know what kind of bloom or colour it will turn out and it did not bloom for more than a year. Ever since we moved to our current house, however, it has begun to bloom every 3 months or so and lasts approximately 1 to 1 1/2 months before wilting. During the last bloom, it had 3 flowers though 2 is the norm. Lovely indeed!

This photograph was taken about one week after it started to bloom and the purplish petals were beginning to fade in colour already.

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5 Responses to “Orchid @ Home”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    that orchid plant you have belongs to the catleya species.....i just cant recall specifically which one...but its a member of the catleya family....nice bloom you got there  

  2. # Blogger PabloPabla

    lucifer : Yes, it is a catleya and I think it is a hybrid (most of them are nowadays). I love orchids and it is a joy to see them bloom after tending to them for a period of time.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    opps typo....its spelled "Cattleya"

    yup they are very exotic spain a bloom like what you have will cost you couple of hundred $'s ;)  

  4. # Blogger PabloPabla

    lucifer : Wow! I think I bought it for less than USD$3.00.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hi Gary, its lovely!:D What a reward for your patience huh? I'm waiting for one of my orchids to grow too. I bought it as a baby and although its grown steadily to a medium size, there's still a long way to go before it will be adult enough to flower  

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